Is the asset-backed securitisation (“ABS”) purchase programme, proposed by the European Central Bank (“ECB”), aimed at preventing economic deflation or at building confidence in a stuttering securitisation market? Or is it the European way to recapitalise banks? Or, is it a mechanism to prompt banks to intensify lending to SMEs and other parts of the “real economy”? Some would argue that it is meant to achieve all of these; some would be more optimistic than others. Mario Draghi, in his European Parliament address on September 22nd 2014, has provided important insights into what the programme will constitute when it is formally announced on October 2nd. Our Market Insight establishes whether it is likely to be enough to achieve the aim of having securitisation contribute to real economic growth in Europe.
Market Insight 26-09-2014 Draghi’s ABS purchase programme – will it be enough?