The Spanish renewables market is highly competitive. Market pricing is increasingly less reliant on subsidy. Spain is committed to growing renewable power capacity by approx. 50GW by 2030. This Market Insight examines some recent initiatives and significant steps being taken to reduce carbon emissions, including the impact of increased cross-border investor interest. 20210115_BCP_Market-Insight_Spanish-Renewables_v2-1 Continue Reading
IFRS-9 may hinder economic recovery
The Covid-19 pandemic has a big impact on the economy and the banking sector. Since the implementation of IFRS9 in 2018, banks have to take large provisions early on in a crisis. Bank capital will become tighter and consequently banks will be less able to support a speedy economic recovery. Securitisation techniques may help banks […] Continue Reading
The economic problems of crowdlending platforms and the importance of control mechanisms
Peer-to-peer (“P2P”) and peer-to-business (“P2B”) platforms have changed the dynamics in the credit markets. They have become more appealing and useful to the public. In addition, they have become increasingly attractive to investors, who are either looking to invest in P2P and P2B companies themselves, or to utilise borrower-lender matchmaking services offered in these platforms. However, […] Continue Reading